Safe & Nuturing Learning Environments

An infant program is only as good as the caregivers who work there. At For Kids’ Sake, we have created a loving and home-like atmosphere. We follow a schedule created by you because you know best what your child needs. We will talk to, sing to, rock, and snuggle your child just as you would at home. We work with your child on skills such as hand-eye coordination and large motor movement. Our teachers have plenty of love and time to devote to each child. We boast an open-door policy in which parents are encouraged to visit or call as often as they like.
Young Toddlers
When your child joins For Kids’ Sake’s Young Toddler Program, you will be amazed by what he/she learns. Our teachers have created a loving and nurturing environment where each child is encouraged to sing, dance, play music, do finger plays, and create beautiful artwork. They will help children to become confident young learners who are curious and excited about the world around them. Through modeling and positive reinforcement, each child learns how to care about and share with others. It is not uncommon to see our teachers in the middle of a dance party or leading a musical parade around the room.

Older Toddlers
Walking into For Kids’ Sake’s Older Toddler Classroom is like walking into a child’s wonderland. Our creative and enthusiastic teachers create an exciting and fun-filled experience for each child. We understand that young children thrive on routine and learn best through hands-on experience. At For Kids’ Sake, children are treated as individuals. We spend a great deal of time getting to know each child and learning the little differences that make each child special. An encompassing Circle Time gives every child a chance to participate in greeting friends, reciting numbers and letters, recognizing names and colors, and singing. All children are encouraged to explore their environment at their own pace. Activities such as finger painting, dancing, music, and dramatic play are all part of the daily schedule in the Older Toddler Room
Young Preschool
Our Young Preschool Classroom is specially designed to be a transition between Older Toddler and Preschool. As children become ready to move to preschool, they will move to the Young Preschool. As the ratio in the Preschool changes from 1:6 to 1:10 and the class size increases to almost 20, we want to make sure these children are prepared and not overwhelmed by the larger class. The Young Preschool program has a more structured schedule than the Older Toddlers and, for those who need it, is heavily focused on potty training. Children will remain in this classroom until they are both 3 years old and potty trained.
Children in the Young Preschool program will be working on beginning phonics, writing, and early math skills. They will also learn independence skills such as putting on their own jackets, using the bathroom by themselves, and putting their trash away after lunch. You will be amazed at how much they enjoy doing things on their own! This is an important time for children to get ready to become “big kids” in the Preschool.

Our Preschool Classroom is a wonderful place to introduce education to your children. We strive to have a good mix of individual, small and large group instruction; both structured and unstructured. Our teachers have the knowledge and enthusiasm needed to guide children through theme-based, hands-on activities in the areas of art, science, math, reading and writing readiness, dramatic play, small and large motor skills.
During a typical day, your child will actively participate in a morning circle time in which he or she will recite numbers, colors, letters, shapes, days of the week, months of the year, and theme based material in the forms of songs, rhymes, and poems. He/she will circulate through a round of centers in which various manipulatives and reading, writing, science, math, and art activities will be available. Outside play is an important part of our everyday activities at FKS. If weather permits, we will go outside twice every day. Your child will also create art projects, act out stories in the dramatic play area, build with blocks, and so much more. Most importantly, your child will have the opportunity to build friendships, practice cooperation, and express him/herself in a positive and loving environment.
Pre K
Pre-K at FKS is a perfect place for your child to prepare for his/her Kindergarten experience. Our loving and supportive teachers use multiple teaching strategies to help children practice their beginning reading and writing skills, explore basic math and science skills, learn cooperation and listening skills, and most-importantly, foster a lifelong love of learning.
Every day your child will participate in an engaging circle time to review the calendar, weather, counting, phonics and the theme of the week. He/she will rotate through small-group centers focused on phonics, writing, art, math, and science. Outside play is essential and children will have structured and unstructured time outside every day that weather permits. We will work on important social-emotional skills such as cooperation, conflict resolution, and self-confidence. Our teachers strive every day to create an experience that will fully prepare your child for Kindergarten.

Our Kindergarten program is dual-licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education as well as the Department of Human Services.
We offer a full-day program and boast more the twice the number of educational hours required for Kindergarten by the Department of Education. We have a fantastic curriculum which meets, and in many cases exceeds, the standards of the public schools. Finally, as we have a maximum of 15 children in the class, your child will be afforded a wealth of personal attention to meet his or her individual needs and learning styles. This class runs using the newest curriculum and is aligned with the Standards of Learning as provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. We are also part of the Upper Merion Early Childhood Counsel and have worked with this group to make sure that our program, curriculum, and report cards aligns with that of the Upper Merion School District as well as several other local districts.
We have two program options for parents interested in our Kindergarten program:
Kindergarten Only: Your child will be enrolled in full-day Kindergarten. Your tuition will cover from 8:45 until 3:15 on all Kindergarten days. If you would like to have your child stay for additional hours or on days when Kindergarten is closed, you will pay an additional hourly fee. There is no charge for the weeks of Winter and Spring break as Kindergarten will be closed.
Full Care Kindergarten: Your child will have full-time child care as well as our full-day Kindergarten program. Care is included on those days when FKS is open, but there is no academic program due to teacher work day, holiday (Columbus Day, Yom Kippur, Presidents' Day, Spring and Winter break, etc.)
Summer Camps
Summer Camp at FKS runs from the third Monday in June until the Friday before Labor Day. We offer full and part time options for children who have completed Kindergarten
through Age 7. Children will work on arts and crafts, play games, perform skits, design, build and create, and so much more. We host a variety of on-site programs such as hatching chickens, petting zoo visits, magic shows, animal shows, and storytellers. In addition, we also take the children on 4-5
off-site field trips such as the Franklin Institute, Elmwood Park Zoo, the movies, and the Crayola Factory. While the emphasis is summer fun, we will continue to ensure we read, write and learn new things to ensure they are prepared for the school year ahead.